Is Paper Tube Packaging Environmentally Sustainable?

Using paper tube packaging instead of plastic packaging can be advantageous for your business since it is entirely recyclable, making it an eco-friendly option. Below are some of its features that can provide benefits to your enterprise.

With the growing concern for the environment, shoppers are now seeking more sustainable packaging options. According to a 2020 report by Pew Charitable Trusts, 55% of consumers surveyed preferred paper packaging due to its environmental benefits.

As a result, businesses around the world are shifting towards environmentally-friendly packaging to attract new, eco-conscious customers and reduce their environmental impact.

One such alternative is Paper Tube Packaging, which is 100% recyclable and fits within the Circular Packaging Framework at our factory. Made of renewable paper material, this packaging offers natural barrier properties, durability, and low oxygen permeability to protect items like candles and cosmetics from moisture, pests, and oxygen.

Considering these advantages, businesses should consider using Paper Tube Packaging as a sustainable packaging solution. By doing so, they can contribute to a healthier environment while protecting their products.

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This is among the top options for replacing plastic packaging.

When it comes to packaging, paper tubes are a much better option than plastic ones. This is because paper doesn’t contain the harmful chemicals that are often found in plastic. This means that paper tubes don’t pose a risk to the environment or to our health when they’re thrown away and exposed to oxygen.

Paper tubes are completely recyclable and can be used multiple times, which means that they help to reduce the need for new materials to be used in packaging. This approach is in line with the principles of the circular economy, which aim to avoid the take-make-dispose approach. If the paper used doesn’t have a plastic coating or harmful inks, it can also be composted to help with carbon-nitrogen ratios.

In contrast, plastic packaging is often made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Plastic takes thousands of years to break down in landfills, which contributes to environmental pollution.

The USDA has classified paper tube packaging as a renewable resource because it requires 25 percent less energy to produce than plastic packaging.

Both recycling and biodegradation are feasible for it

Paper tubes are considered environmentally friendly packaging because they can be recycled, giving them a longer lifespan than single-use packaging. This reduces the need for virgin materials to be used in new products. The fibers in paper packaging can be recycled up to seven times before they become too short to be used.


Recycling is a straightforward way for businesses to dispose of paper tubes. Most customers already know how to recycle, so there is no need for extensive education.


In addition to being recyclable, paper tube packaging is also biodegradable. Unlike plastic, which can take over a millennium to degrade, paper tubes can biodegrade and break down in compost or soil relatively quickly.


When paper packaging is discarded, it decomposes into water and CO2 within six weeks of being placed in the soil.

A shipping material that is environmentally sustainable

In contrast to thicker materials such as disposable plastic, paper is a pliable and lightweight substance that makes it effortless to store and transport.

When shipping various packages, it is preferable to have a material that is lightweight and flexible. This is because the lower the weight of your package, the less expensive your shipping expenses will be, and the less room your packages will occupy during transit.

This approach enables small businesses to keep expenses at an environmentally responsible level, while also lowering the overall carbon emissions of their shipping and delivery operations. This is a double victory!

Odorless substance

Plastic is frequently criticized for its distinct aroma, which can linger for years even after it has been discarded. This odor is caused by a chemical called Melamine, which strengthens and enhances the flexibility of plastics while also reducing the risk of breakage.

On the other hand, paper tube packaging does not have an odor because the natural materials used in its construction do not allow for it. Paper takes over 5 years to oxidize and release an odor, making it a long-lasting option.

Paper tubes are created from plant-based materials that are fully biodegradable and compostable, making them a safe option for a variety of products, including candles, makeup, hair products, toothpaste, and more.

Greater lifespan

Because they are constructed from natural, plant-based materials, paper tubes have the ability to endure on shelves for a long time. When exposed to moisture, the tube packaging will dry without sustaining any damage. Conversely, plastic responds to moisture, which raises the risk of bacterial growth and mold.

If you need to keep perishable products, such as tea or coffee, in the tubes, our factory’s Stock Paper Tubes are lined with a food-safe material that has been tested and certified by SGS. This ensures that they are well-sealed and capable of preserving your products’ freshness!

Concluding Thoughts

Paper tube packaging presents a fantastic environmentally-friendly solution as compared to single-use packaging. It is pliable and lightweight, which makes it less expensive and easier to transport. Moreover, being 100% recyclable, it is a sustainable option for businesses, hence contributing to the environment in a responsible manner.

Ways to Make Cosmetic Packaging Using Paper Tubes
Using paper tube packaging for shipping cosmetics is an excellent environmentally-friendly alternative that safeguards products against damage. Here is everything you should be aware of when incorporating it into your business.

Cosmetics industry heavily relies on packaging to attract customers and drive sales. Hence, selecting the right packaging is crucial to the success of your product. Paper tube packaging is a budget-friendly and sustainable option that could be a great fit for your cosmetic company.

This piece will guide you on creating paper tube packaging and offer some valuable tips to make your products more appealing in a fiercely competitive market. Keep reading to explore more!

Coffee Paper Tube Packaging

The Guide to How to Customize Coffee Paper Tube Packaging

The guide to how to customize coffee paper tube packaging is a comprehensive manual that delves into the art of creating personalized and eye-catching packaging for coffee products. This expertly crafted guide provides a step-by-step approach to designing and customizing paper tube packaging, tailored specifically for the coffee industry.

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